On To State In 68!!

Restore the ROAR!

All School Reunion Is August 3rd !!


Our 50th Class Reunion Is The Weekend Of August 3-5, 2018 !!!

November 19, 2017

Fellow Wildcatters:
A few items to report on:
1) First off, a BIG BLUE AND GOLD SALUTE to all of our VETERANS!! It is important to treat every day like Veterans Day....Yes, the military people, but everyone who serves or has served....Firemen, policemen, doctors, nurses, first responders, ministers, teachers to name a few....these people are the glue that hold our civilization together....and Man, do I love teachers!! (administrators, not so much) Talk about unsung heroes. Fighting the good fight, everyday!! God Bless Them All.....
Here is our list of vets:

Don Loeschen (Army Reserve)
Ken Pederson (Army)
Dan Remsburg (Army)
Paul Stougard (Army)
Pat Clausen (Army Reserve)
Ronnie Onken (Army) (Diane H.)
Stan Janssen (Army) (Lora B.)
Mike McNaught (Coast Guard)
Rick Betts (Air Force)
Rick Douglas (Marines)
Steve Moorhouse (Army)
Jim Irlmeier (Navy) (Peggy C.)
Jerry Huff (Army) (Mary B.)

2) A couple of weeks ago, we had our Wildcat Lunch....We were honoring some birthdays and working a little on 50th class reunion ideas. In attendance were Criss, Warren, Lora, Karen, Ken, Jeff, John, Lyle/Judy and myself....a nice turnout. It was held on Criss' actual birthday (#39) and it was kind of sad, as she had to bring her own cake. A beautiful Halloween cake. Thanks, Criss! We were celebrating John, Jeff, Lyle, Peggy, Warren and Criss' birthdays. Lots of laughs....WR kept bragging about "dating" the McNally Drive-In girl.....(she would not even speak with me) and John piped up and said that he too tried to take her out.....John and I agreed that Warren must have ruined it for all of us Glidden guys....Jeff (Mr. Donut) said a lady offered to show off her bare chest for free donuts and Jeff (always the gentleman) declined, but then John shouted out that he would show off HIS bare chest for free donuts....(silence hit the room)...Jeff (always the gentleman) declined......I sat down next to Lora and she immediately got up and moved over by Karen.....OK, I am used to that....It was so great seeing Ken P. and Karen....they both added a lot to our group....and same with Lyle and Judy.....it was a great time for all of us. Good food, good laughs.

3) This week, Diamond Jim Tracy sent out post cards to members of our class as reminders of our 50th class reunion....(if you did not receive one, let us know) This newsletter is an update on what we are thinking....A couple of guidelines:

* EVERYTHING IS OPTIONAL....if you cannot make Friday, then try for Saturday, etc. We felt that we need to offer quite a bit, as we hope that some will be attending from long distances. Make what you can. We would just love to see and visit with as many as possible. (The class of 67 had nothing planned, but got together after the All School. I was surprised how many spouses did NOT attend, but do what you like. Spouses are very welcome, but some may cringe at a big weekend....This is VERY informal and VERY optional.)

* WE ARE TRYING TO MAKE EVERYTHING CASUAL.....and in Glidden, instead of Carroll.

* We felt we had no choice but to go on this weekend as the All School Reunion people will be honoring US, The Class of 68.

* Nothing is set in stone.....WE WANT INPUT from as many as possible.
So here is what we are thinking:

*If there is interest, maybe a golf outing at The Hill in Grand Junction? or Coon Rapids?
* Maybe an early bird supper at Las Margaritas in Glidden for those wanting an early visit?
* All School Reunion @ The Lincoln Club in Glidden.
* Stay later and visit with classmates and people from other classes @ The Lincoln Club. (former Mr. D's)
* ?????
* Parade in the a.m. We will be riding as a class in a vehicle furnished by 67 class.
* Go to park?
* Go to Shelter House near the pool for free grill. Possible tour of school and we are looking for other activates/picnic. BYOB.
* Catered meal at the same Shelter House.  6:30 or 7.
* Program around 8:00 p.m.
* ??????
* Sunday morning brunch for those still around and getting ready to leave. No location found, yet. Maybe Hy-Vee?

Even if we just have a few, some of us wanted to do this. Tracy, Tryon, Criss, Lora and others are for sure.

Like everything: This is Totally Optional.

* Thursday Golf and/or early bird supper may not happen if there is no interest.
* Jefferson Casino is a possibility....but when?
* Friday, All School finishes around 8:30 p.m. We will set it up to stay and visit later, but then either just leave or go somewhere else.....Totally Up In The Air.
* Saturday, after the parade, people go to the park, but it is mainly for kids with some food vendors. We were thinking of maybe checking it out, then heading to the new Kruger Shelter House by the pool for our own, free grill......noon or so.
* We are looking for things to do on Saturday afternoon. Any suggestions?
* After our supper/program on Saturday night, that time is up in the air....

The Kruger Shelter House was chosen and we have it reserved (Aug. 4) because it should be perfect, no matter what the weather is. Air conditioned, nice outside tables, a kitchen (without stove), fridge, restroom, TV etc. People could bring their own drinks or run to Casey's. We thought why go to Carroll? just stay in Glidden and grill around noon and cater an evening meal. We are trying to brainstorm some activities for Saturday afternoon. CLICK HERE for more pictures and info on the Kruger Shelter House.

4) At Our Previous Wildcat Lunch...Stories Of The Day.......
Judy explaining to the group about her and Lyle's first date...That Lyle.....What a Tiger!!...Eh, Bear.....Sauvé, debonair....after ONE date, she knew he was the one....and Man, was Lyle blushing, squirming as Judy spilled the details......poor guy.....Lyle did not have a chance....Maybe we can get them to retell as part of our program? and Jeff's Debbie Does Double Donuts story was a classic, too.....People were really giggling, until John perked up and the silence hit.....MUCH FUN.....

Everything we are trying to do for our 50th class reunion is OPTIONAL and hopefully painless, but fun. Visiting is the highest priority and PLEASE UNDERSTAND, that people WANT to see and hear from you again. Just to hear your voice and your laughter....Help us with IDEAS....and anyone is welcome to make our next lunch/committee meeting....(late January)....Got something to say? Just contact anyone of us.

50 Years Ago

That WHITE POWER group came to Glidden to recruit members?
They dressed up, had uniforms, used flags, songs, slogans, torch light parades to attract the most gullible of us? Targeting the naive?
And they left, disgusted because they could only indoctrinate one?
Man, The 1960s, What a turbulent time!!

This photo DOES NOT represent any person, real, living or imagined.
It is strictly fictional and any resemblance to actual persons
Is purely coincidental.

5) So What Do We Need From YOU?
* Plan to Attend, you have plenty of time to work around your schedule. We want to see and be with you, again!!
* Reach out to some other classmates....The More The Merrier....Especially those that we have not seen for ages.
* As the day approaches, LET US KNOW, so we can let the caterers know.
* Give us some input.

Someone needs to wake Tracy up now....NO WAY he could read such a long newsletter, which is why I added so many pictures for him....Jim likes pictures.

Thanks for reading,
TRYON, one of the Idaho Street Ruffians.
(along with Ricky D. and Peggy S)

p.s. Anyone else drop their NFL Sunday Ticket because of those idiot protesters? I have been a subscriber since Day One.....For years and years......but no more....I still watch games, but will not send the NFL any money. So goodbye Red Zone/Sunday ticket....NFL loses a big football fan like me, they are in trouble. Go Hawkeyes!! Go Cyclones!!

p.s. Special Blue and Gold Salute to Diamond Jim for his efforts in the sending out of those first reminder post cards. If you did not receive one, let US know.

